Senin, 31 Oktober 2011


With Neobux you can make money online.

Payment Proofs

Neobux is a PTC (Paid To Click) site that lets its user to earn money by clicking advertisements.

If you’re new to PTC, you might want to read first “PTC” and “Make Money Online with PTC”.

Neobux is a PTC (Paid To Click) website widely known and trusted for its instant payments and for being one of the most legitimate PTC in the internet world.

With Neobux, you’ll be able to earn 0.001 cent for every ad clicked. If you are a free member, normally, you’ll be given four guaranteed ads to click per day (Orange Fixed Advertisements). Sometimes it has Standard Exposures (0.01 cent per ad), Extended Exposure (0.015 cent per ad), Mini Exposure (0.005 cent per ad), and a lot of Micro Exposure (0.001 cent per ad). It maybe small but if you have many direct and rented referrals, you’ll earn a lot.

Referrals? Yes! Neobux has a referral program that boosts your earning capability. You earn about 0.005 for every ad clicked by your referral. Referrals may be direct or rented. Direct referrals are those people who joined Neobux through your referral link – the link given to you by Neobux that you can share through your blogs, social networking sites, forums and emails that will serve as an invite for your friends, relatives or even people you might not know to join Neobux. Rented referrals are Neobux users unknown to you that you can rent to click ads that will become your down line for a certain period of time. These rented referrals will cost you money but don’t worry, if your rented referrals clicks everyday, you’ll be able to earn back the rental fee and overtime surpass that initial investment.

An upgrade for Neobux is good but you are required to comply with a set of requirements which are listed below.
- You need to have made a minimum of 100 clicks
– You have to be a member for 15 days and more

The benefits:
- Up to $0.02 per click ($0.01 per Fixed Ad [Golden])
- Up to $0.02 per referral click
- Detailed Charts
- Cheaper rental prices
- Cheaper renewal prices
- Higher referral limits

Right until now, Neobux is the most respected and trusted PTC in the internet. It pays instantly and the only highly recommended PTC site. Join here.

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Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

What is PTC ?

What is a PTC? PTC stands for Paid to Click. These are sites that simply allow anyone to click on advertisements and get paid by doing it. For every advertisement clicked and viewed for about 15 to 30 seconds, a member is compensated a small amount of money typically about 1 cent or less. It had been a hit for many years now because of its simplicity and easy to use. There are now thousands of these sites available in the internet but very few are legitimate. Beware of PTC sites that offer high pay per ad. So far, from my experience, Neobux is the most legit and trusted PTC site in the internet.

What’s great about PTC is that it has referral program, another great way to get more income. After a successful register on a PTC site, you will be provided a special link (referral link) you can share through your blogs, social network sites and even email it to your friends. When people click on that link and successfully register, that person will be your referral. If that person clicks an ad just like what you do everyday, you will get a certain amount out of that, mostly around 0.005 cents. It may be small, but the secret is to get more referrals. If you can get a lot of referrals and all of them clicks ad everyday, you’ll be able to earn a lot! I know a guy who earns about $500 a month because of many referrals.

Another feature of PTC is upgrades. The site will offer you an option to upgrade that will increase your earnings in three ways. Your clicks will worth more, your referrals clicks will be worth more and more ads to click will be available for you. Upgrading your account will cost you money, mostly around 10 to as high as 75 dollars. Upgrades are not necessary if you don’t have referrals yet. Try to upgrade if you have more than 10 referrals because their clicks will be worth more and eventually will earn back your investment for the upgrade.

Did I mention anything about the requirements for joining? Mostly, all you need is just a PayPal or Alertpay account where your earnings will be sent after you cash out. Other PTC sites send check payments after reaching the minimum cash out amount. Joining is always free.
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Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Bollywood Song - Video OST Movie

High Quality Video

Aap Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage - Aap Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage - mp4 - 29,1 MB
DOWNLOAD >>> Aap Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage - Aap Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage

Andaaz - Allah Kare Dil Na Lage Kisise - mp4 - 21,8 MB
DOWNLOAD >>> Andaaz - Allah Kare Dil Na Lage Kisise

Fanaa - Chanda Chamke - mp4 - 17,9 MB
DOWNLOAD >>> Fanaa - Chanda Chamke

akan selalu diupdate....
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Kamis, 22 September 2011


PTC Indonesia



AksenClix - PTC Inovatif Indonesia



International PTC

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Senin, 19 September 2011

IPanelOnline Indonesia

Cari duit tambahan dengan melakukan survey..
Sudah terbukti membayar anggotanya..

Dan yang paling penting, tidak perlu biaya apapun untuk pendaftaran ! PERCAYALAH !

Gabung di sini

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Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


Alhamdulillah puasa Romadhon datang lagi.....
Semangat untuk 30 hari ke depan~~

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Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Maher Zain - Insha Allah | Insya Allah

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Sedih diselubungi asa
Maka semua bisa terjadi

Asa ditambah upaya
Maka semua akan tercapai

Upaya dihiasi doa
Maka semua menjadi mudah

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Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Hari Ini

Dalam satu purnama terang
Aku dititipkan Tuhan
Menghirup kesegaran
Mendengar kemerduan
Menangis kedinginan
Melihat kebahagiaan

Itulah aku,,
24 tahun lalu
Raga tak berdaya
Menjadi bagian sebuah keluarga sederhana

Hari ini,
Umurku bertambah satu
Usiaku berkurang satu
Selalu kuingat itu
Jiwaku makin dewasa karena MU
Waktuku makin dekat dengan MU

Tak perlu perayaan
Hanya doa yang kubutuhkan

Terima kasih semuanya
Semoga kita semua tetap menjadi satu keluarga besar.......


Puisi ini tepat gw bikin 2 tahun lalu,, saat umur gw jadi 24 tahun..... dan tidak disangka waktu 2 tahun ini cepat sekali lewat,, dan sekarang gw sudah 26 tahun...... fyuuuuuh sudah cukup tua jg yah... :P
Terima kasih ya Allah atas semua nikmat-MU yang Engkau berikan kepadaku.....
Semoga di sisa hidup ini, hamba bisa selalu berada di jalan-MU ya Allah.....

"Ya Allah, perbaikilah selalu urusan agamaku yang menjadi pedoman bagi setiap urusan duniawiku..."
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Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


Barusan aja berbuat salah kepada teman.... uuugh ceroboh banget diriku..... T_T
Jd sedih dan jd gak enak bgt ama dia..... maaf ya teman saya gak tau........
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Minggu, 13 Maret 2011


Dalam hidup,, ada saatnya kita merasa sangat didukung sekali oleh "sesuatu" dan seiring berjalannya waktu maka "sesuatu" tersebut bisa berbalik arah.... Kita menjadi merasa dijauhi dan tidak didukung oleh "sesuatu" itu.....

Ya !! itulah kehidupan yang Allah SWT berikan kepada kita,, ada dinamika.... :-)

Itulah hal yg saya rasakan saat ini..
Tp harus tetap semangat,, tetap positif thin'kin',, tetap berdoa,, dan tetap berusaha..
Allah lebih tau apa yg terbaik buat hambaNya.. AMIN~~

"sesuatu" yg gw maksud bisa berarti banyak hal,, bisa seseorang,, lingkungan,, kebiasaan,, nasib,, dll........
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Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Sholat = Makan

Satu nasehat yg selalu diberikan ibu saya sejak dulu dan insyaAllah selalu saya ingat adalah "Udah sholat belum? Kalo belum sholat jangan makan ya!!" Walaupun pd kenyataannya ibu saya selalu menyediakan makanan dan terkesan main",, nasehat itu punya makna mendalam..

Kalo nggak makan ya lapar,, kalo nggak sholat ya dosa...

Anggaplah sholat seperti makan,,, nggak sholat ya bisa lapar.... Gimana rasanya lapar? Nggak enak banget kan... Gimana rasanya nggak sholat? Kalau kita menganggap seperti makan pastinya nggak enak banget kalo nggak sholat, hati gundah penuh rasa dosa.... Naudzubillah Min Dzalik........

Anggaplah sholat seperti makan,,, makan adalah kebutuhan paling mendasar kita sebagai makhluk hidup agar bisa terus survive di dunia ini.. Kita bekerja keras siang malam, cape macet"an pergi ke kantor, teriak" di pasar untuk berjualan, dll... untuk apa sih ?? Semua itu dilakukan intinya kan untuk bisa makan... Begitu pula dengan sholat,, jangan jadikan sholat hanya kewajiban semata yg diperintahkan Allah SWT tapi jadikan sholat sebagai kebutuhan kita yang paling mendasar sebagai makhluk beriman ciptaan Allah SWT..... Sudah sepantasnyalah kita bisa melakukan apa saja (tentu yg tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran Allah) untuk bisa sholat........

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Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Surga di Bawah Telapak Kaki Ibu


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"Selalu liat setiap masalah dan keadaan
dari dua sisi yang berlawanan...

Maka kau tidak akan selalu menganggap
menjadi yang paling benar....."
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